These photos are from last night’s engagement session. I know, I think I might be a little crazy. The thing is…I have scheduled myself very heavily for this wedding season. This is a wonderful thing, to be busy and love what you do. I just had to give myself a little pep talk about a month ago, and commit to getting my editing done in a really timely manner – basically, edit like crazy whenever I have time!
I came home from Chad and Kelly’s shoot yesterday to an empty apartment…Jamie was in class until 10pm so I had close to 4 good hours to put in…which was perfect really, because the shoot was so great last night that I couldn’t wait to work on the photos anyways!
Love. This. Light. My favorite time of day to shoot, hands down.
I don’t know what it is about feet. Ask my parents, I’ve taken ‘feet shots’ since I was little…I just love them! Something about a person’t personality is reflected in their shoe choice.
I think Kelly looks so gorgeous in this photo! Just stunning.
I just love it when there are random props available…like this table and chairs on the beach at North Ave. Its like someone left them there just for us.
Chad and Kelly’s wedding is coming up this July…their venue is the beautiful Bella Vista Suites in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin! I can’t wait. As much as I love shooting Chicago weddings, it is always fun for me to go elsewhere…its like having a new palette to work with.
Lincoln Park Engagement :: Chad & Kelly
Filed in: Alaska Engagement Photography
April 23, 2010
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