Woo Hoo! Finally, I’m ready to start using this brand new blog of mine! I’m still learning, and maybe soon the it will all *click* and become easy to use this new wordpress.org blog. Buuuut…I’m not crossing my fingers, so little by little it’ll all come together!

It was quite a while ago that I first signed up for this blog with every intention of learning how to customize it myself, and becoming incredibly computer savvy in the process. This is not how it all panned out! I ended up hiring a freelancer named Danella (who was wonderful, let me know if you need her info and I’ll happily pass it along) to help me get things going. Any posts you see before today have been imported from my old blog…hopefully soon you will be seeing a bunch of new posts with big, beautiful pictures!

About the lack of computer savvy…I don’t know why this doesn’t come more naturally to me, but its pretty dang frustrating ! I love design. I think I have a knack for the creative, and generally knowing how to put things together in a way that is aesthetically pleasing. HOWever, I am just horrible when it comes to ‘code’ and navigating all of that behind the scenes stuff that goes along with computer programs. I just want to make things – why oh why does it have to be so tricky?!

Drum roll please…

Filed in: Erica's Personal Photography

January 19, 2010

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