Lately, I’ve been having some pretty crazy dreams.
Here’s the scene:
I’m sound asleep, have been for about an hour or so….all of a sudden, I’m wide awake and I’m at a wedding. Something important (the bride is walking down the aisle, the first kiss, cutting the cake…) is going on and I’m ASLEEP in my bed! I’m going to miss it. I panic, and say something (outLOUD) like “oh my goodness…It’s ok, I’m coming right now!”
As I’m actually getting out of my bed I realize that no, my bedroom has not been transported to the wedding venue, I’m NOT in my pyjamas at a wedding! I lay back down…and of course, it takes some time to fall back to sleep after that.
This all happens in what is probably about a 30 second span, but it feels like an hour. I’m NUTS – right?!
This kind of dream isn’t new to me. It has definitely happened before. Like…when I played too much tetris on my gameboy when I was 12 (I’d wake up thinking that the blocks were falling TOO FAST and I was going to miss something…), and when I worked at a restaurant in College. (I’d wake up thinking there were Swedish Pancakes waiting to be brought to a table, and some senior citizen was shaking their cane at me…)
Obviously what this means is that I’m working to hard.
I tend to be a really driven and focused person – especially when the task requires it. Owning/running my own Photography Business is potentially an all consuming task. The more I learn, the more I read, and the more I see the limitless possibilities, the more overwhelming it can become. The thing is, I LOVE this! I love the people, the challenge, the creativity and the work, and being an entrepreneur…it all seems to be such a perfect fit for me.
I guess what I need to work on is boundaries and not letting my life become my work. Its hard when you love it, but I know that my work will suffer if I let it become all-consuming.
SO what is the best thing to do at this point?
Go to the Chicago Botanic Gardens with your Aunt, and then go to the Lake House with your husband and a few good friends! Just what the doctor ordered, time off and time away.I could sit here all day….
I went to the Gardens this morning and it was so refreshing! The tulips were still perfect, and the cherry blossoms still in full bloom. Thanks Aunt Kris! It was lovely.
Now…lake house, here I come!
When I can’t sleep…I go to the Botanic Gardens
Filed in: Erica's Personal Photography
April 30, 2010
Those are great shots. I’m thinkin’ at least one was a “wendell” shot, eh? It was a wonderful morning!
You should tell me more about your dreams. I will draw them.
Me too! You should come with us next time.
lovely, erica!! i wish i could have gone with you! have fun at the lake.