On a fairly regular basis, people ask me photography related questions…via facebook, email or whatever it may be. I’m pretty good about responding quickly to individuals, but less good about following through on these FAQ posts. I guess the reason is largely that I feel a little inadequate to be writing this kind of post! BUT when I see trends in the questions where lots of people are asking the same ones, I figure that signals its time…so here we go.

I’m curious – if you don’t mind sharing your story… How did you start out? How long have you been in the wedding photography business? Did you always want to be a wedding photographer?

I started out when Jamie and I had moved back to Chicago so that he could attend seminary. For many reasons, it was a perfect time for me to make a big change and try something new, to at least try to achieve a dream job…which wedding photography was to me. I was so, so scared to try! However, I was able to listen to encouragement from others and talk myself out of being a chicken…I knew that if this risk paid off it would be so well worth it, and it is.
I booked about 9 weddings my first year…along with many other random jobs (birthday parties, bar mitzvahs, anniversaries, small magazine shoots…) I learned a ton that year. I think that the biggest thing I learned was that what I truly love to shoot is weddings, engagements and children. SO year two, I decided to focus on only those areas and not take any other type of shoots. Year two I shot 43 weddings (woah!) and it was a stunningly huge year for me. At the end of the year I was absolutely drained (emotionally, mentally & physically)…but happy. Since those first two years I’ve been figuring out the balance life & work, defining my style, and learning constantly.
That only scratches the surface of my starting-out story, but I can’t go into all of the little details here!

I really like your editing style. Your pictures are so “clean” (if that makes any sense)…what technique is that? What kind of lenses do you use ?

To see and hear about all of the lenses I use, see this FAQ post from a few months ago. I also talked a little bit about my editing style then, but I’ll go over a couple things again here. First:
I don’t do a lot of editing! Period. I use Lightroom first to cull and retouch, and then a little bit of Photoshop.

Here is my experience:
I began learning about the technical aspects of photography when I started taking photography classes in College. I began learning about principles of art & design even earlier than that through many, many art courses. I had excellent teachers, and I’ve always been a visual person with an eye for beauty. All types of art influence my photographic style, I think. Those basics that I learned about perspective, color, balance, composition as well as the basic knowledge of camera functions really drilled in to me the importance of shooting the way you want things to look, rather than just shooting without thinking and then fixing things afterwards. Shoot the way you want in the moment and I think it will pay off in the long run…and you won’t have to spend hours and hours in editing software after the fact.

If you wonder how I made a photo look a certain way, look at how I might have used the light (because that is always in the forefront of my mind when I’m shooting!)  how the image is cropped or composed, and what the camera was set to.

A couple of nights ago I went to an image critique. I hate critiques…always have! Since college when one of my painting professors made me cry, thats when I really started hating them. But you learn from critiques, and I knew it would be good for me. I brought two photos that I love and two that are just mediocre in my opinion. Below are two that I love:

Now, I these are two of my all time favorite images…and bringing what you really love to be critiqued can be dangerous because its kinda like wearing your heart on your sleeve. However I got feedback that I can use to learn and become better (both positive and negative) from a couple of amazingly talented photographers who really know what they’re talking about. Another risk worth taking, I’d say.

Any more questions? Just email me, comment on the blog or facebook…and maybe I’ll write another one soon : )
Happy Wednesday!



FAQ’s: My Editing Style & My ‘How I Started’ story.

Filed in: Alaska Small Business, Erica's Personal Photography

April 20, 2011

comments +

  1. Erica says:

    I would love to know, myself! It just sort of worked out…lots of word of mouth, and Chicago is a great market. The critique was scary, but I’d probably do it again…it was worth it in the end.
    Thanks for commenting, Sara 🙂

  2. Sara says:

    Thanks for sharing this Erica! I would love to know how you booked 43 weddings that second year, holy moly! Good for you for being brave enough to seek critique on your photos, I don’t know if or when I will be that courageous. 🙂 Especially when you are sharing a couple of your personal favorite photos! I LOVE that dress photo of yours, it is also one of my faves!

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